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ポートレートと心理学 / 存在の認知と表現者としての責任











※ 撮り手側の責任、表現者としての責任という部分で1つ例を挙げてみます。










【Portrait and Psychology / Recognition of Existence and Responsibility as an Expressor】

Portrait with the subject ...

I am conscious of cutting off my ego and intentions on the photographer side as much as possible and giving priority to the depiction of the purity of the subject itself, but it is the photographer myself who finally releases the shutter. Since all the responsibilities as an artist arise there, in the end, you need your own ego and intention.

For me now, the place where the conflict falls may be suitable as the concept of portrait photography itself ...

If the subjects have something in common and the goal is to express it, and if more than one person is involved in achieving that goal, then you can take responsibility for yourself. I also think that it may be necessary to shift to giving priority to others as much as possible.

However, it is also a fact that "existence and message" is established (completed) including all those elements.

Because I want to recognize the very existence of myself who is struggling to express it there.

The concept of "existence and message" that I am working on is derived from the existence of myself (first person) who is the photographer, the existence of the person who is the subject (second person), or the existence of the person who sees those portraits (third person). We have evolved with the concept of being able to consciously and unconsciously feel and see "existence recognition" within each individual while involving all the people involved.

I think that if you could actually feel the "recognition of existence" through the portrait, the "message" would have been transmitted.

"Cognition of existence" and "self-coincidence", which are the basis for life work or concept, are the "recognition of existence" that people want most in their lives and a happy life. "Self-matching" necessary to send.

Even now, 55 years after I was born, my conflicts related to that are still in the way I interact with people and the connection with society through photography.

* Let me give you an example in terms of the responsibility of the photographer and the responsibility of the artist.

For example, if there is a negative question or evaluation from a third party about a work, I would not normally take it negatively.

I think that the word is the person's own words and values ​​that originated it, and it is not directed at me.

Also, when negative words are strongly pressed, I do not think that I will react or do anything to it.

Rather, I think it is better for the person who uttered the word to properly face and interact with his or her emotions behind the word.

However, in the process of completing my work, if I lie to myself or have a self-disagreement, it will not be as above.

If there are any negative words or evaluations from a third party on the work, I will have to face myself.

The responsibility of the photographer and the responsibility of the artist, which I think of, is whether or not I have properly communicated with myself and lied to myself in the process of creating my own work, and whether I am accepting all of myself here and now. That is, "recognition of existence" and "self-coincidence" for oneself are deeply involved.

If I don't clear that part properly, I can't interact purely with the viewer of the work as an artist or as a person.

Recognizing that my responsibility is that kind of thing, I release the shutter every day.


Self Portrait ©︎MAL


© Photographer MAL 1990-2025 by Marumoto Yusuke

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